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A2A Results - Brockmann, Uwe, (GA)

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AgeTeamCity, State/CountryMPH
2004FULL8705:27:5216166M•40-4940APRR (Atlanta, GA)Stone Mountain, GA15.92
2003FULL8705:18:0618178M•30-3939APRR (Atlanta, GA)Stone Mountain, GA16.41
2002FULL87.205:21:25342911M•30-3938APRR (Atlanta, GA)Stone Mountain, GA16.28
2001FULL87.205:03:3920209M•30-3937Atlanta Peachtree RoadRolStone Mountain, GA17.23
2000FULL87.205:07:40353215M•30-3936Atlanta Peachtree RoadRolStone Mountain, GA17.01
1999FULL86DNFDNFDNFDNFM•30-3935Atlanta Peachtree RoadRolStone Mountain, GA 
1998FULL8604:50:1310104M•30-3934Atlanta Peachtree RoadRollersStone Mountain, GA17.78
1997FULL8604:42:58.6018186M•30-3933Atlanta Peachtree RoadRollersStone Mountain, GA18.23
1996FULL8604:46:0712124M•30-3932Atlanta Ptree RR,IGAS WendlandBrunschweig, West Germany18.03
1995FULL8504:39:52883M•30-3931Atlanta Peachtree RoadRollersBrunschweig, Germany18.22
1994FULL8505:10:24883M•30-39 Atlanta Peachtree RBrunschwei, Germany16.43
1993FULL8505:30:4514149M•18-29 APRRWE15.42
1992FULL8506:04:5712126M•18-2928Atlanta Peachtree RoadRollersAtlanta, GA13.97
1991FULL8505:03:31111111M•OPEN27Atlanta Peachtree RoadRollersGA16.80
1990FULL8405:14:36991M•OPEN26Atlanta Peachtree RRGA16.02
1989FULL8504:54:50222M•OPEN25Atl. Peachtree RRAtlanta, GA17.30
1988FULL8505:15:00111M•OPEN24  16.19
1987FULL8505:39:00111M•N/A  Atlanta, GA15.04
1986FULL8506:28:26222M•N/A  Atlanta, GA13.13

  • Click on a finishing placement in the Overall, Gender or Division column to go to the corresponding detailed results page for any year's event.
  • A T following any placement number indicates that one or more other skaters tied with this skater for that placement.
  • Click on either DuraSkate ranking to go to the corresponding page listing other similarly-ranked DuraSkaters.
Events Entered:19
Events Finished:18
*Total Miles Finished:1542.6
*Average Speed in MPH:16.30
DuraSkate Rank (overall):6
DuraSkate Rank (by gender):6
*Note: The figures shown on this page for cumulative miles and average speed may differ slightly from the same figures shown on the DuraSkater and Endurance rankings due to rounding errors.
The information shown for each year represents what was recorded for that particular event. We have tried to match skater results across multiple years. However due to changes in residence address and/or name, we may not have made all such matches properly. If you are aware of a discrepancy, please notify us by email to:

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